白起 / 认证用户发布日期:2014-09-14 17:15:16
东西结合 凸显东方文化 试想画一个极具东方色彩的兽人下身为兽,上身是典型的兽人 

Things combined with Oriental culture imagine drawing a great Oriental colour under the orc, as is typical of the orcs

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白起 / 认证用户发布日期:2014-09-14 17:19:42
中国神兽以 龙 为第一 和人结合尝试多种始终感觉别扭,最后退一步,改成坐骑 骑龙,魔兽骑狼,中国风骑龙也不过分 哈哈

China dragon god beast as first and people always feel uncomfortable combination play a number of different, the final step back, to mount a dragon, warcraft ride wolves, Chinese wind riding a dragon too much Ha ha

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白起 / 认证用户发布日期:2014-09-14 17:28:39
大致风格确定,开始构建中国风世界观 耐奥祖一丝灵魂 穿越到中国古代,以一丝不死灵魂 唤起秦朝冤死灵魂 复活大秦虎狼之师 骑着恶龙通过传送门回到德拉诺,,,

Style more or less certain, begin to build the Chinese wind worldview Resistance to the progenitor of the soul Through to the ancient China, with a trace of undead soul Arouse the qin case dead souls The teacher of resurrection daqin the tiger Riding a dragon through the portal to draenor,,,

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白起 / 认证用户发布日期:2014-09-14 17:40:53
三视图  和背甲设计,体现战国末秦初青铜风格

Three view drawing and back a design, reflect at the end of the warring states period Qin Chu bronze style

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白起 / 认证用户发布日期:2014-09-14 20:56:40

Detail design

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dlkdhy / 认证用户发布日期:2014-09-14 21:34:32
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白起 / 认证用户发布日期:2014-09-15 15:49:33

To continue processing 6 scheme, unfortunately, have to change

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白起 / 认证用户发布日期:2014-09-15 15:58:06

These are open to question

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白起 / 认证用户发布日期:2014-09-15 19:34:27
秦始皇玉棺的始皇能量被激发,那些含冤的愤怒的 无助的拥有抱负的冤魂能量集束成一个恶魔翅膀

Qin emperor of jade coffin energy is emitted, the aggrieved helpless anger has ambitions to cluster the murders of energy into a demon wings

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Maoda / 认证用户发布日期:2014-09-15 19:59:26
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