

阿森特(北京)艺术设计中心由美国艺术中心设计学院(Art Center)授权,定于 2014年9月26至28日在中国北京举办首届 “CreateChange 设计论坛”。
Create Change 论坛邀请来自文化产业的相关人士参与,包括设计师、电影人、商业领袖等。论坛所涉及的知识和实践将增强参加者在专业领域的国际竞争优势。这是有史以来ArtCenter校友首次与成长中的中国文化产业分享他们的创新实践与商业见解。
“Create Change 设计论坛”与北京工业设计促进中心建立了战略合作伙伴关系。美国艺术中心设计学院坐落于美国洛杉矶的帕萨迪纳市,是世界优秀的设计高校之一。学院成立于1930年,学院的工业设计与汽车设计专业均在全美排名第一。
Art Center毕业生遍布全球,均为其专业领域的领军人物,并在过去数十年中为几代人引入了创新实践的方法。
著名电影《变形金刚》的导演 MichaelBay, 《超人:钢铁之躯》的导演 ZackSnyder, 《银翼杀手》的导演 SydMead是影视业著名的校友。在汽车行业,ArtCenter著名的校友有 Chris Bangle (BMW),Ken Okuyama (Porsche), and Franz von Holzhausen(Tesla),另外,Art Center 毕业生 Yves Behar (Fuseproject), Laura Dye (Nike) and De Liu(MiPhone)也在产品设计与品牌设计上有卓越的成绩。
Art Center拥有与企业界紧密合作的悠久历史, 90年代初,Art Center为三星公司建立创新文化。直到今天,Art Center依然被赞为三星改变了商业历史。
“Create Change 设计论坛”是一次关于设计思想与创意过程的盛会。9月26日起,来自Art Center的多位著名校友和教授将与大家进行分享与交流,指导并参与工作坊教学。


品牌与创新战略 Branding and Design Strategy
交通工具设计Transportation Design Process
电影娱乐视觉故事 Visual Storytelling

 论坛日程 请随时关注日程细节的更新,谢谢


高静 Gao Jing / 电话 Tel: 13901243611 82052086-805
胡晓菲 Hu Xiaofei / 电话 Tel: 82052086-813
传真 Fax:82055802
地址: 北京市西城区新街口外大街28号主楼102室
Address: Room102, No 28 Xinwaidajie,Xicheng District,Beijing,100088, China

ACID in partnership with Art Center College of Design, announces the first Create Change Design Forums held in China (Beijing), September 26-28, 2014.
The focus of the forums is to envision the future of creativity and design and to teach emerging practices in China from three aspects of the culture industry: Automotive Design; Branding and Design Strategy; and Film Entertainment. They will be taught by prominent Art Center College of Design alumni with distinguishedreputations in their fields.
The Create Change Design Forums will offer knowledge and insight of deep practice to all people working in the culture industries, including designers, filmmakers, business executives and leaders to gain global competitive advantage in their fields. For the first time in history, Art Center graduates will share their creative practices and business insight to the growing culture industries of China.
The Create Change Design Forums have established a strategic partnership with the Beijing IndustrialDesign Center (BIDC).
Art Center College of Design, located in Pasadena, California, United States, is one of the top design colleges in the world. Founded in 1930, its Industrial Design and Automotive Design programs are ranked number one in the United States.
The graduates of Art Center are leaders in their fields around the world and have introduced new creative practices for many generations.
In the Film Industry, famous Art Center graduates include the directors Michael Bay (Transformer), Zack Snyder (“Man of Steel”) and Syd Mead (“Bladerunner”). Art Center graduates have been Chief Designers at all the major car companies around the world, including Chris Bangle (BMW), Ken Okuyama (Porsche), and Franz von Holzhausen (Tesla). Art Center graduates Yves Behar (Fuseproject), Laura Dye(Nike) and De Liu (MiPhone) have achieved international success in product design and branding.
Art Center College of Design has a long history of working closely with industry professionals. In the 1990’s, Art Center worked with Samsung Electronics to make the company more innovative. To this day, Art Center is credited with changing the business culture of Samsung.
The Create Change Design Forums are a great opportunity to learn about design thinking and the creative process. Enrollment is now open. Each forum is limited to 40 people.

Learn to Create
Influence Change

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