
ArtCenter&阿森特 "Create Change"设计论坛自2014年起成功举办9期高端设计论坛,得到广大公司和专业设计师朋友的关注与支持,ArtCenter&阿森特,我们通过与中外著名的设计师,优秀的企业领导,产业投资人等多方面的交流,逐步改进细分我们的概念设计课程设置,旨在有限的时间内,有效的提供丰富的行业知识和创意方法,助力蓬勃发展的电影,游戏,以及新型VR产业中铸造产品灵魂的设计师创造出更加精彩的内容。

2016年7月"Create Change" 概念设计高端工作坊面向广大游戏与电影,VR产业中从事概念设计,创意故事的专业人士。

Nathan Fowkes

Nathan Fowkes 是经验丰富的娱乐设计产业的艺术家。曾经在11个动画电影上受到好评,包括:The Prince of Egypt(埃及王子), Spirit(小马精灵), Shrek Universe(史莱克世界)等一些项目, How toTrain Your Dragon(驯龙高手) ,Puss in Boots(穿靴子的猫), Rio2(里约大冒险2)。
Nathan Fowkes还是著名的剧场色彩,灯光颜色的教师。他曾在华特迪斯尼,Art Center College of Design 等地任教。
Nathan Fowkes为游戏设计工作室咨询,以提高他们的剧场展示。他曾与众多的客户合作,包括暴雪娱乐、Infinity Ward、迪斯尼互动、 Riot Games,King, Ubisoft and Rovio等公司。他的作品可以在nathanfowkes.com上查阅。

Kory Heinzen 

目前Kory就职于Oculus StoryStudio, 一家由Facebook所拥有的曝光度极高的虚拟现实(VirtualReality)工作室,在这里他将自己多样的美术风格和叙述故事的技巧相结合,用于推进和发现新的技术和手段来讲述精彩的故事,创造身临其境的虚拟现实体验。每一个新的项目都在帮助他发掘新的方法来用他的艺术交流,讲故事,启迪其他的艺术家来发现故事叙述的未来。
Kory是为环球影业(Universal)的创意主题公园进行场景和角色的设计。穿梭于电影,电视,出版,和游戏领域,作为视觉开发艺术家,他的伙伴包括华特迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company),Midway Studios, WildBrain Inc. Crystal Dynamics, Paramount Studios 以及索尼公司旗下顽皮狗(the Sony developer Naughty Dog)取得巨大成功的神秘海域系列(Uncharted)。Kory也曾是梦工厂动画工作室的怪物史瑞克和马达加斯加系列的重要一员。作为Netfix新剧,梦工厂电视动画穿靴子的猫(TheAdventure of Puss in Boots)的艺术总监。

RMB 25,000 /人/6天
4. 发信咨询邮箱 Email: 
于少泽  Alex Yu    电话:  18610319218 
胡晓菲  Faye Hu   电话 :  15110278807
1 本论坛全程英语交传。
2 论坛结束后学员将获得ArtCenter "Create Change" Design Forum 结业证书。
3 每类论坛仅有25个名额,先报先得。
4 参与论坛学员即为”Create Change“俱乐部会员,可免费参加由阿森特主办的公开设计活动。
5 报名表请点击此链接下载
6 关于论坛详细信息可登录官网查询
Art Center毕业生遍布全球,均为其专业领域的领军人物,并在过去数十年中为几代人引入了创新实践的方法。
著名电影《变形金刚》的导演 Michael Bay, 《超人:钢铁之躯》的导演 Zack Snyder,《银翼杀手》概念设计师Syd Mead是影视业著名的校友。在汽车行业,Art Center著名的校友有 Chris Bangle (BMW),Ken Okuyama (Porsche), and Franz von Holzhausen(Tesla),另外,Art Center 毕业生 Yves Behar (Fuseproject), Martin Lotti(Nike) and 刘德 (MiPhone)也在产品设计与品牌设计上有卓越的成绩。
Art Center拥有与企业界紧密合作的悠久历史,90年代初,Art Center为三星公司建立创新文化。直到今天,Art Center依然被赞为三星改变了商业历史。
阿森特(北京)艺术设计中心由美国艺术中心设计学院(Art Center)授权,于2014年9月26至28日在中国北京举办了首届 “Create Change 设计论坛”。Create Change 设计论坛”与北京工业设计促进中心建立了战略合作伙伴关系。
“Create Change” 设计论坛邀请来自文化产业的相关人士参与,包括设计师、电影人、商业领袖等。论坛所涉及的知识和实践将增强参加者在专业领域的国际竞争优势。Art Center校友将与成长中的中国文化产业分享他们的创新实践与商业见解。
2015年起,ACID引入 ArtCenter师资与毕业生资源,以及设计论坛的一年积累,9月在杭州中国美术学院成功举办了千人讲座,邀请了著名汽车设计师FRANK,著名概念设计师Nathan Fowkes,以及小米、中兴等设计总监前来分享经验与经典案例。受到了所有师生的关注与赞扬。
2014-2015 “Create Change" 设计论坛回顾

English Version:
ArtCenter "CreateChange" Advanced Concept Design Workshop 
July 18th to 24th, 2016.
Visit for more information.
Location: Beijing
Workshop Speaker:
Nathan Fowkes
Nathan Fowkes is a veteranent ertainment industry artist with credits on 11 animated feature filmsincluding: The Prince of Egypt, Spirit, several projects within the Shrek Universe, How to Train Your Dragon, The Legend of Puss in Boots and Rio2.Nathan is also well known as a teacher of theatrical color, light and design;he has taught at The Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art, The Walt Disney Company, Art Center College of Design and the Laguna College of Art and Design.
Additionally Nathan consults for game design studios to enhance the quality of their theatrical presentation. He has worked with numerous clients including BlizzardEntertainment, Infinity Ward, Disney Interactive, Riot Games, King, Ubisoft and Rovio. His work can be seen at
Guest Speaker:
Kory Heinzen
Kory Heinzen grew up with a pencil in his hand and only ever stopped drawing to sleep. He attended the prestigious Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California where he continued draw and paint, but more importantly learned to be a problem solver.  Kory’s first job out of college was for Universal Creative designing sets and characters for theme parks .Throughout his career he seamlessly moved between Film, Television, publishing and video games, working as a visual development artist for companies such as The Walt Disney Company, Midway Studios, WildBrain Inc. Crystal Dynamics, Paramount Studios and the Sony developer Naughty Dog for the wildly successful “Uncharted” series. Kory was also part of the Shrek and Madagascar Franchises for Dreamworks Animation.  As the art director for the Dreamworks Television Animation’s new Netflix show, The Adventure of Puss in Boots, he got to draw, help tell great stories and collaborate with talented artists from around the world. Currently Kory is working at Oculus Story Studio, a high visibility Facebook owned Virtual Reality studio,  where his diverse artistic and storytelling skills and come together to help forge and discover new techniques and approaches in the pursuit of  telling great stories and creating immersive experiences in VR. Each new project helps him find new ways of using his art to communicate, tell stories and inspire other artists to discover the future of storytelling.
About Art Center College of Design
Art Center College of Design, located in Pasadena, California, United States, is one of the top design colleges in the world. Founded in 1930, its Industrial Design and Automotive Design programs are ranked number one in the United States.
The graduates of Art Center are leaders in their fields around the world and have introduced new creative practices for many generations.
In the Film Industry, famous Art Center graduates include the directors Michael Bay (Transformer), Zack Snyder (“Man of Steel”) and Syd Mead (“Bladerunner”). Art Center graduates have been Chief Designers at all the major car companies around the world, including Chris Bangle (BMW), Ken Okuyama (Porsche), and Franz von Holzhausen (Tesla). Art Center graduates Yves Behar (Fuseproject), Laura Dye (Nike) and De Liu (MiPhone) have achieved international success in product design and branding.
Art Center College of Design has a long history of working closely with industry professionals. In the 1990’s, Art Center worked with Samsung Electronics to make the company more innovative. From this collaboration, Art Center is credited with changing the business culture of Samsung. Today, Art Center creates sponsored projects and design storms with companies such as: Microsoft, HP, Disney, GE, Honda, BMW, Boeing, Nestle, among many others. 
About Create Change Design Forums
ArtCenter Institute of Design (ACID) is the exclusive partner of ArtCenter College of Design for the purpose of creating educational opportunities in China. From this partnership, ACID has the unique advantage of bringing many famous designers from the prestigious ArtCenter to China. ACID also has a strategic partnership with the Beijing Industrial Design Center (BIDC). Beginning in 2014, ACID held nine “Create Change Design Forums” in China attracting participants from over 100 Chinese companies. Based on the great success and popularity of the “Create Change Design Forums,” ACID is expanding its educational platforms in China.
ACID will offer short forums for the leadership team of individual companies, focusing on the process of innovation, business and branding strategy, and design management. Also, ACID offers workshops for company designers to introduce the theory and practice of good design and the importance of effective presentations. Finally, ACID also holds events for students in order to prepare them for professional design careers.
Starting in 2016, ACID will launch a new opportunity for companies to learn from the professional expertise of prominent ArtCenter alumni and faculty. ACID will work with Chinese companies in a consulting partnership to build a culture of innovation and to give the companies a competitive advantage. Based on the company’s needs and goals, ACID will put together a unique team of designers and business strategists to work with company leadership and designers on specific company projects or to help launch a new creative vision and strategy.
Learn to Create , Influence Change.
关注Art Center College of Design授权设计教育中心阿森特
关注2016" Create Change"设计论坛及高端工作坊

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