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Mungky and its Friends
4853 days before uploading, 1487 views, 1 comments
Tools: Photoshop,Painter

The Character’s story took place in Guiyu the largest electronic waste site on earth (in more fun and colorful interpretation). Despite all of it negative impact, my idea to pick this place is to generate a story that resembles the passion of china in progress, invention and technology, even if it started from a piece of junk.
I also take two main things that interest me the most of china. First is the chinese zodiac character,each character of this design is based on chinese zodiac, the main character,Mungky resembles Zodiac of Monkey, Ox-ox resembles Zodiac of Ox, Wabit resembles Zodiac of Rabbit, and Naga resembles Zodiac of Dragon,each with it own personality that based on the Zodiac itself.
As in the corner of the group picture, it is the headquarter of the group,the SHAFT (Super Hegemony Artificial Facility of Trash), the place where the group hang out,do and invent silly things..
Mungky and its Friends
Mungky and its Friends
Mungky and its Friends
Mungky and its Friends
Mungky and its Friends
Comment at 2011-01-15:
very nice characters!
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